torek, 27. marec 201221:00 - KiborgSpužva BükingSAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT (De) + IGUANA (De) + THE NEBULAE ENSEMBLE (Slo)Samsara Blues Experiment (DE) - stoner/psychedelic
Iguana (DE) - stoner rock
Nebulae Ensemble, The (SLO) - rock/fusion/blues
SBE (ma prelen sem, da bi prevajal)
The term Samsara is derived from "to flow together," to go or pass through states, to wander. Mostly a great revolving door between life and death and a new life reincarnated cycle of life.
SAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT are a Berlin based band, founded in Summer 2007 by leadguitarist/singer Christian Peters. They went through several changes in the first period but are in constant line-up since September 2008 featuring Hans Eiselt (guitar), drummer Thomas Vedder and Richard Behrens (bass). As the band name implies three elemental aspects are to notice - the blues as the fundament where it all comes from, the inclusion of spiritual influences accompanied by Indian/raga music and the experimental approach to mix up varied elements in a convincing manner.
The band's songs are dominated by a playful dual guitar work as well as a passionate blend of heavy psych, stoner and space rock. This is provided with several nuances and transitions in between - quite retro styled, jamming, even sometimes worked out with a repetitive hypnotic touch in the tradition of krautrock. The band produced two appetizer EP's and intensively toured Europe as well as the US-Westcoast in or
Iguana (-||-)
IGUANA performs a sincere, versatile, heavy and progressive kind of Fuzz Rock at its best. Although still being deep-seated with this genre they have moved on to develop their own vision of a deep, melodic and wistful Hard Rock music. It’s somekind of Desert-Psychedelic-Doom-Blues-whatever in the broadest sense. However, the band is full of stylistic variability, packed with hooks as well as accompanied by crazily arranged instrumental gimmickries. The iguana is sick of trends, the mainstream and, above all, the dos and don’ts of Rock’n'Roll. It’s addicted to music – nothing more and nothing less! An outcome made for the stage to unfold its unbridled power. That’s what it has been and always will be!
Besides releasing music, IGUANA is dead keen on playing live! They have hit the stage of dozens of festivals and clubs together with bands such as Saint Vitus, Brant Bjork, Los Natas, The Atomic Bitchwax, Dozer, Colour Haze and many many ingenious acts more. Not just old hand doom legend Wino Weinrich knows that these boys are killer. Numerous club-shows in the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and of course the German scene’s most appreciated live hot-spots proved that IGUANA embodies the never-ending story of live celebrated love to chunky riffing, ‘psychedelic’ jamming and rythyms that are out-of-the-ordinary!
After successfully releasing their EP „B|L|U|E|S“ in Europe and the USA at the end of 2008, they have entered the “first league of heavy rockers of German origin” (generated-x). IGUANA’s debut album, which is long overdue, is supposed to come out in march 2012. Those who’ve had the chance to snatch some tunes from the upcoming LP during a live performance know that the band is going to present again unconventional good music. Look forward to the sound of former desert sessions along with instrumental gimmick
Naš ansambel piči kao powertrio sceno, sestavljamo ga kitarist Vid Geršak, basist Samo Brezočnik in bobnar Rok Skoliber. Skupaj smo stari enako kot Keith Richards. Pokrivamo glasbene zvrsti na relaciji od Punka do Funka.Konec leta so izdali plato Sin Palabras. Celo sluhnete na njihovem reverbnation profilu.
kontakt: evkaliptus666@gmail.com« nazajkomentarji 
ODPRTO 2024 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k... [ preberi več... ]