torek, 14. junij 2016

21:00 - Defonija

Paul Lovens - izbrani in neizbrani bobni in činele
Paul Lytton - bobni, tolkala
Ken Vandermark - pihala

Ekskluziven koncert in evropska premiera!

Po koncertu plesne muzike vrtita Ken Vandermark in selektor BB.

Paul Lovens

Oba Paula - Lovens in Lytton sta legendarna evropska bobnarja, tolkalca, pionirja elektrofonije "v živo", improvizirane glasbe ... ter sodruga v preštevilnih zasedbah novega jazza in producenta svoje lastne založbe Po Torch, za katero sta skupaj zaigrala in izdala tri albume, zadnjega leta 1984. Ken Vandermark, poleg vsega drugega tudi izkušeni lovec na zaklade evropske improvizirane glasbe in aktivni provokator njenega oživljanja in pravičnejšega ovrednotenja v zgodovini jazza, si ni mogel kaj, da bi ta dvojec, ki je zasidral svoj čoln tam globoko v osemdesetih, ponovno ne izplul s krmarjem, ki je plovbo načrtoval kar v svoji domovini: Devet koncertov v dvanajstih dneh je ozvočilo kulturne centre, jazz in rock klube, galerije, cerkve, metropole in mesta na obrobju. Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Greensboro, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Antonio, Austin.

In po 14 letih naposled še Ljubljana!

Izbor kraja za vnovično snidenje ne preseneča. Mesto dogajanja je poznano vsem trem, Lytton in Vandermark sta ga okusila celo skupaj, a Lovensa v njuno družbo ni več bilo. Vse do tokratnega manjšega slavja z okroglo obletnico, ki je kot naročena, da se LLV + 1 ponovno snidejo, to enkratno priložnost delijo z drugimi radovedneži in glasbenimi entuziasti in vsi skupaj na koncu še zamigajo.

Šofer BB

Paul Lytton

The two Pauls, Lovens and Lytton, are legendary European drummers, percussionists, and pioneers in the fields of live electronics and free improvisation ... and compadres in so many new jazz line-ups. They have released three albums as a duo for their own Po Torch label, the last of them way back in 1984. Ken Vandermark, among many things an experienced rummager around the treasures of European improvisation, active in reanimating its traditions and arguing for its more prominent position in jazz history, found himself unable to resist seeking out this duo, so anchored in the 1980s. So he planned a new journey to his homeland, with himself at the helm. Nine concerts in twelve days, in cultural centres, jazz and rock clubs, galleries, churches, inner cities and suburbia. Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Greensboro, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Antonio, Austin …

… And now finally, after 14 years, Ljubljana’s turn.

Ken Vandermark

Let no one be surprised at the choice of location. Gromka is known to all three of them – Lytton and Vandermark together, Lovens separately. This modest celebration, featuring a milestone anniversary for good measure, is simply billed as the LLV + 1 reunion. They’re keen to share this unique opportunity with curious onlookers and music enthusiasts alike. There might even be a bit of dancing at the end, courtesy of Mr Vandermark and Selector BB.

BB, aka The Driver

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 Odprto kliče, odpiramo Gromko! Odprto, koronsko dete, se iz poletja premika v jesen. Prej koncerti na dvorišču, a zdaj zaradi mnogoterih dejavnikov ponovno v dvorani. In ker smo letos k...
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